Summer weather means more time outside enjoying yards, porches, and gathering in spaces that may have been neglected over the cooler/wetter months. It is all fun and games until the wasps & hornets arrive bringing with them anxiety (especially for those with allergies).
Before you let your children play in the yard this Summer we recommend that you check play equipment like swing sets and treehouses; when overwintering paper wasps (Vespidae) emerge, for example, they tend to set up their nests on playsets left undisturbed during the colder months.
The eaves and ledges around houses are common spots to find nests, but sometimes nests aren’t that obvious. We also inspect outdoor storage areas like sheds, decks, garages and crawlspaces for wasp and hornet nests.
And if you do come across a nest DO NOT DISTURB IT, contact us immediately and we will properly treat and eliminate the infestation.
Too often people attempt to handle it on their own and end up hurting themselves or neighbors because they don’t realize how delicately a wasp or hornet nest needs to be handled to ensure everyone’s safety.
Looking for more information on Wasps & Hornets check out this article from PMP.net